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Delacre | Google Cloud Platform

Delacre, acquired by Ferrero in 2016, needed help managing their G Suite environment and custom Google applications. G-workplace, which had previously migrated their data and applications, now provides ongoing support. This partnership allows Delacre to focus on their core operations while G-workplace manages their G Suite infrastructure and custom Google applications.

ClientDelacreTypeGoogle Support, Google Apps ScriptShare


After being acquired by Ferrero in late 2016 Delacre was looking for a Google Partner that could help them with the management of their G Suite environment and the custom Google applications that they had. As they had no experience managing a G Suite environment themselves they needed help doing just that.


As G-workplace had done the migration for Delacre of their data and custom Google applications from the pladis G Suite domain to their own new G Suite domain we were asked if we could provide them with the needed G Suite support and application support.


G-workplace now provides the support for the Delacre G Suite domain and the custom Google applications that they have. G-workplace also adds new functionality to the existing applications. That way Delacre can concentrate on doing what they do best while their G Suite infrastructure and custom Google applications is managed by G-workplace.