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Royal Vopak  |  Roadblocks Application

Royal Vopak, handling diverse products across multiple terminals, needed a solution for managing road access during maintenance and assisting emergency services.

G-workplace created an App to record roadblocks at terminals, ensuring accessibility and using Google Maps for visualization. Initially deployed at two terminals, it expanded to four more, providing real-time roadblock information for emergencies and managing containers, fires, and maintenance issues.

ClientVopakTypeGoogle Maps, Firebase, AndroidShare

Stores and handles various oil, chemicals, edible oils and natural gas related products.


Royal Vopak stores and handles various oil, chemicals, edible oils and natural gas related products. Product operations take place at a number of terminals, each of which has its own network of roads. Due to plant maintenance at any point in time a number of roads may be inaccessible and this information must be readily available in case access is required by the emergency services.


G-workplace developed an App Maker application to record details of roadblocks at a terminal. Checks are implemented to ensure that roadblocks do not conflict with each other and all parts of the plant are always accessible. The application uses Google Maps to display an overview of current roadblocks at each terminal: in cases of need a map of the terminal showing the roadblocks is available to provide assistance to the emergency services.


The application was initially deployed for administration of roadblocks at two terminals. It has been well received and the scope of the application has recently been extended to include and additional four Vopak terminals. With the application in place Vopak has a clear view on the actual roadblocks on site. This is of great value when the fire department or an ambulance must be on the site.